ADHD: October is ADHD Awareness Month!

October is ADHD awareness month and I'm here to help!

October is ADHD Awareness Month.  It says so here: .  Those of you who know you live with an ADHD brain know how important it is to be aware of your ADHD self, and to move toward living in a purposeful way.  No one should merely float through life.  But when you have an ADHD brain, you can’t live as if all things in the world will fall into place for you without any effort on your part. 


In fact, effort is a fundamental experience of ADDers (I use ADD and ADDer, as well as versions of this designation, to easily refer to what is now officially called “ADHD”).  Getting up in the morning, getting ready for work or school, and getting out of the door on time, dealing with traffic, and arriving at your designated location on time and in a calm state takes effort.  ADDers can use as much energy to do this as neurotypicals use in their whole day.


But take heart!  Many resources exist to help those of us who have ADHD live more effectively.  Check out the link above for some information about ADHD Awareness Month.  I will continue to post articles about ADHD with tips you may try to help you develop effective strategies to be successful with ADHD.


In the meantime, if you are an adult who lives with ADHD, and you would like some help becoming your best self, living life more effectively on purpose, contact me!  Text or call me at (717) 440-1493 or email me at to set up an appointment and begin a journey toward a more successful, fulfilling life!